PE and Sport Premium
The PE and sport premium is designed to help primary schools improve the quality of the PE and sport activities they offer their pupils during curriculum and extra curricular activities. This can be measured by the quality of teaching, the range of activities and sports offered, the level of participation across the school and also how the children develop physically and technically.
The PE Curriculum is outlined in detail here; National Curriculum - Physical education key stages 1 to 2 (
What we do to make sure our lessons are outstanding
Establish a safe and stimulating environment for pupils, rooted in mutual respect leading to full engagement and high levels of enjoyment for the pupils.
Demonstrate consistently the positive attitudes, values and behaviour that are expected of pupils.
Clear routines and rules for behaviour in lessons, take responsibility for promoting good and courteous behaviour both in lessons and around the school in accordance with the schools own behaviour policy.
Set goals that stretch and challenge pupils of all backgrounds and abilities.
Maintain the pace of learning as purposeful and physically active.
Ensure lessons are setup ahead of the class arrival to allow swift movement between activities with no wasted time in session for setup.
Excellent subject knowledge to describe and model techniques to show pupils the standards expected.
Effective questioning of pupils during practice accompanied by high-quality, subject-specific feedback on how to acquire skills and improve their performance.
Guide pupils to reflect on the progress they have made and allow peer feedback supported and facilitated through effective questioning..
Lessons are sharply focused because they were based securely on high- quality long-term planning
Lessons plans are detailed and allow for further differentiation for abilities to ensure pupils are being challenged and can achieve regardless of what stage they are currently in their learning.
Pupils have regular opportunities to be creative, make decisions for themselves and practise skills independently, in pairs and small groups for sustained periods of time.
Develop effective professional relationships with colleagues.
Link sessions with wider community to enhance subject.
How to use the PE and Sport Premium
This funding is ring-fenced which means that the money has to be spent by schools to improve the quality of the PE and sport provision that they offer to benefit students or staff.
For example, you can use your funding to:
Hire specialist PE teachers.
Hire qualified sports coaches to work with teachers.
Provide existing staff with teaching resources to help them teach PE and sport.
Support and involve the least active children by running or extending school sports clubs, holiday clubs and Change4Life clubs.
Run sport competitions or increase pupils’ participation in the inter school events.
Run sports activities with other schools.
How can we help
We offer a varied curriculum with short, medium and long term planning to maximise your pupils learning.
Teacher training and CPD support.
Upskill teachers and support with our staff.
Increase participation in inter school sport through our competitions.
Impartial advice on the best equipment to purchase to maximise your funding impact.
Further guidance about Premium’s funding, payment dates and advice on how it should be spent can be found at the Department of Education, linked here.